Jim Sánchez, Flaco Guapo Media, Glass Slipper Productions founder


Jada Garcia who wore a pink, and gold quince dress was one of 11 Bella models who represented Yarely Boutique at the Quince & Special Event Showcase. Jada is the daughter of Dolores Del Rio.

SAN ANGELO – When Bellas the feminine name for beautiful in Latin, Spanish, and Italian, make their appearance dressed in designed quince dresses, they embody-- strength, greatness, intelligence, elegance, grace.

11 Bellas from Yarley’s “Dress Your Dreams” Boutique, and four lovely girls from Bella’s “Dresses for Enchanted Dreams” XV, wore the latest Quince dresses as they took centerstage on a runway before familia, friends, and a community for the 1st annual, Quince & Special Event Showcase, hosted by San Angelo Weddings & Event owner, Anna Reyna.

Reyna appreciated the community which turned out in support of 67 vendors who showcased their services inside the McNease Convention Center.

Quince Bella model, Yakelin Calvo 

Reyna’s Quince event was held from 12 p.m. – 6 p.m. on Sunday, March 3, 2024.
The master of ceremonies was Corey Driscoll, aka C-MO on 106.1 KMDX radio, and DJ Curran-C provided virtual video/audio mix.

Yarley owner, Felipe Iñiguez’ models included:
Mariana – wore a charro black dress with red flowers
Evelyn – charro royal blue and gold dress
Angelica – wore a blush dress, and carrying a teddy bear
Valerie – wore a pink dress with silver
Harley – chose a shiny hot, pink dress
Ysabella – quince outfit was a Mexican dress, a white top with flowers and a green skirt
Estrella – her quince dress colors were burgundy and gold
Abby’s quince color was Fushia, a bright purplish-red color with ruffles.
Leah- wore a gold dress with sequins
Namiah - quince color was a black, Fuchsia with flowers
Jada- wore a baby, pink, and gold quince.
The young ladies’ quince dresses were designed by Yarely.


Bella quince models included from left-to-right: Mikaela Martinez, Hailey Gonzales, Melina Fuentes, and Erika Fuentes

Bella XV owner, Grace Huerta’s four models included:
Mikaela Martinez – bluish and gold dress
Hailey Gonzales – sage dress
Melina Fuentes – bluish dress
Erika Fuentes – bluish with rose gold.
The young ladies’ quince dresses were designed by Morilee Nadeline

After Jada fulfilled her quince model runway obligations, she stepped out on the dance floor as part of Bee Garcia’s 12-member group, the Angelo Chambelanes y Damas.
Garcia’s son, Dominik De Hoyos who performed with the Chamblanes y Damas, also contributed choreography input on Bruno Mars “Grenade,” “I’m Da Man” by D4L and several other hip-hop songs. The group also performs bachata, cumbia, waltz, etc.

Bee also owns Byanka Nicole Choreography. “I personally choregraph all the dance routines for the quinces, so none of the dances are ever the same.” “Dominik loved dancing just as much as I do.” He is my dancing twin!” Garcia said when her son’s quince was held last month, February 2024.

How proud were you of your dancers’ performance? “Just to see them execute the dance perfectly the way we worked on it makes my heart happy, and tearful.”
The 12 Chamblanes y Damas members included:

Christian Valadez
Jaxon Eubanks
Jayvyan Escobedo
Dominik De Hoyos
Micheal Avila
Alex Rodriguez
Levany Rodriguez
Leila Perez
Jada Garcia
Anissa Monsivaias
Audrina Garcia
Mya Lujan
Angelo Chambelanes y Damas

To contact Garcia call, 325-450-2611, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To contact Reyna’s business, call 325-455-1771 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Or visit the website. https://www.sanangeloweddingsandevents.com/