Flaco Guapo Media

SAN ANGELO – “The winner of the 7th annual, God’s Country Menudo Cook-off 2018 whose ticket number read 2714, is . . .” Gilbert Velez before he read the final two numbers just couldn’t help but extend the suspense by teasing the hundreds of attendees when he interjected, “I want to thank my mom, the sponsors, etc” to which everyone just laughed at his sense of humor for prolonging the announcement.

The final ticket number in its entirety read, 271429, belonged to this year’s winner—Nomas Ponle as the five-member team won $750. Nomas also won second place. To top it off, the crew from San Marcos won first place last year too! 

The annual GCMC, held Saturday, November 3rd, was hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Velez, Sr. on their property lot, located at 3600 Lake Drive. The origins of how GCMC started was in 2011 when Hernandez said he, Velez and Cruz debated about who made the best menudo; they decided to have a cook-off. Two other things happened that caused it to blow up as far as numbers-wise.. The first one was in 2014 when it began to grow as word got around about the event. And second, was when the group went the social media route—Face Book.

 Roger Hernandez, one of three (other two being Velez and Ricky Cruz) and the coordinator of this huge undertaking, stated what happens with the money. "Since 2012, we have collected over $50,000 and helped 52 families with an assortment of needs.” “Mostly we’ve helped with a cash award to help out for medical bills" he said.

Left-to-right: Alma Velez, KIXY FM radio, Roger Hernandez and Gilbert Velez, God's Country Menudo Cook-off members

Hernandez then asked Yolanda Torres to introduce eight-year-old, William Mendoza, who benefited from GCMC’s assistance last year.
“William is one of my students and now actually I am his godmother, blessed to have him for the rest of my life.” Mendoza was very sick last year and they weren’t sure he was going to make it” said Torres, an ESL migrant teacher at Miles Elementary. Yolanda concluded her brief remarks, stating that William is fully recovered and doing what an eight-year should be doing, normal things like playing football.

The other winner for third place and $150, was Spice It Up. 

Hernandez was asked why did he believe that GCMC is such a great event?
“It sounds cliché, but when you’re there, it’s simply community.” “All these people come together to help each other out with no expectation,” he said. “They give of their heart and only want to help.”

As for the winner in the bean competition, $100 was awarded to Lisa’ Z. The five-member female group was comprised of: Belinda Torres, Melinda Cardenas, Gracie Gamez, Kim Butler and Terry Acosta.